I am having the most fun writing fiction these day. Some are available online, others are available on in hard copy. Here are some links to some recent online fiction. A surprising amount of food shows up in my stories.

“Pond Life” appears in South85 Journal: https://www.south85journal.com/?s=pond+life. Fall/Winter 2024 Metamorphosis issue. It’s short, it’s humorous, it was fun to write.

“Fun for All” appears at Prose Online: https://www.prose.onl/read/category/Short+Story. It appeared on May 13, 2022.

“Set the Bed on Fire” appears in the December 7, 2021 issue of Touchstone Literary Magazine: https://www.touchstonekstate.org/fiction/2021/12/2/set-the-bed-on-fire-by-andrea-chesman?rq=Andrea%20Chesman.

Dress Rehearsal” appeared in July 7 issue of Sad Girls Lit Club: .https://www.sadgirlsclublit.com/. The magazine is now defunct.

“Fill in the Blanks” appears in the October issue of Montana Mouthful Journal: https://issuu.com/montanamouthful/docs/mmv3iss3issuu

“Stay at Home” was published in the October issue of Blue Lake Review: http://bluelakereview.weebly.com/stay-at-home.html

“Silver Lining,” published on the Bangalore Review: http://bangalorereview.com/2019/08/silver-lining/

“Chemistry,” published on The Write Launch: https://thewritelaunch.com/2019/07/chemistry/

“A Girl Walks into a Bar,” was published on Green Mountains Review: http://greenmountainsreview.com/girl-walks-bar/.

“The Neverlasting Regret Cemetery and Crematorium” was published in The Offbeat, Volume 20, Spring 2019: http://offbeat.msu.edu

A short story, “The Rooster,” was included in an anthology entitled Twisted from Medusa's Laugh Press https://medusaslaugh.com/.