Andrea Chesman, Writer, Editor



Hello. It is the 2025, still earning my keep as an editor and proofreader and indexer. I have no plans for writing any more cookbooks and am focusing on writing short stories. Still gardening, still cooking, still preserving the bounty from my fickle garden, I hope you’ll read some of the fiction I’ve provided links for on my Fiction page. Some of what I write is autofiction — where I take real life people, places, events and then embellish until it is completely fiction. I also dabble in magical realism. Who doesn’t believe in trolls? My latest story has been collected into an anthology entitled Whimsy: A Literary Antidote to Doom and Gloom — something we all need these days.

Meanwhile, you can still buy my cookbooks. Here are links to some places where you can buy my cookbooks on line:

Indiebound: Barnes & Noble: Amazon:

Thanks for stopping by. 

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